Your Reformer's March Matness Fun!

Follow Your Reformer's take on March Matness

Here at Your Reformer, we absolutely love March Matness (@marchmatness), an Instagram initiative run by @360pilatesonline. It’s a fun month focussed on mat Pilates moves. So much so that we wanted to join in!

Single Leg Stretch

We’ve added our own little twist on the theme this year of #pilateshereandnow to translate these classic mat moves for our Reformer beds so we could take part too and make it relevant for our Pilates practice today.

Side plank


So, for each day in March, we’ll be aiming to post on Instagram our versions and interpretations of the moves, so make sure to follow us on Instagram @yourreformer.

kneeling leg kick

We hope you have as much fun watching our attempts as we did making them!

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