Eliminate Manual Class Planning
Replace unorganised notes and disjointed classes with seamless, and enjoyable workouts for your clients.
Provide Visual Cues
Support your clients with visual aids to maximise their experience and enhance understanding.
Customise Your Class
Create a customised class end-to-end using our library of professionally-filmed Pilates movements.
Interactive Drag & Drop Interface
Designed for optimal functionality, drag and drop individual movements to create your custom class.
Revolutionise the way you plan Reformer Pilates classes using our intuitive drag-and-drop interface and extensive library of professionally filmed movements, integrating directly to your TV screens.
Enhance instructor capabilities and provide members with unparalleled support, ensuring optimal technique and motivation.
Frequently Asked Questions
What can InstructorPro do for my business?
InstructorPro provides you and your Pilates instructors with class inspiration and quality class delivery. Class planning is made simpler, time is used more efficiently, and clients are provided with easy to follow visual cues to complement the instructor’s teaching.
Is InstructorPro user friendly?
The drag-and-drop nature of InstructorPro makes this intuitive software user friendly and an easy tool for instructors to adopt.
Unlock More Potential For Your Business with Your Reformer
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